Thursday, July 7, 2011

Procrastination Won't reach your Destination!

I'm in the process of "re-modeling" my kitchen, and by that I just mean painting the walls and perhaps putting down some new tiles. I began thinking about re-modeling back in April, and so far the only thing to get done is the wall paper at the top of the wall was ripped off... I actually still have a small section to go.. after that, It's sanding down the.... oh my gosh! I can't think of the word hahaha, whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!?!??! what is it called!? I wish you guys knew what I was talking about! It's called... OH!!!!! PLASTER! hahahahahahah. I don't know why that has slipped my mind. But yes, sanding down the plaster and then painting! YAY! I can't wait! Today I shall work on it. The kitchen will be a light pastel blue, with white cabinets and possibly a wood floor.. I was thinking about doing maybe light green accents(Plates, spoons, etc...) or red. I'm confused.. I'm kind of "rushing" through it just because it's been so long already!

The other side still has to, clean the bathroom, clean the bedroom, take out the trash, put my makeup on, and film a youtube video. 

Number of things that have been done so far....


It's so hot in my house that I'm trying to get some work done, but I don't think I can move! haha, oh well, at least I'm trying to keep up with my blog.

On another note, I'm thinking about joining a gym! YAY for getting in shape! It's 20 bucks a month!!!! THATS IT! most gym's I've seen in the city can run up a good, $80 bucks a month! *cough: NY SPORTS GYM!* I'll probably sign up sometime after Friday! Maybe we can all get in shape together! Better late than never, I always say! 

Off to work on my kitchen, Katie! <3

Friday, July 1, 2011

A New Beginning...

So after a few months of me NOT posting my blogs, I couldn't for my life remember my "H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS" password! So, here goes a new blog. I believe this is my third now.. and hopefully the last! HAHA! So with a new blog, I must re-introduce myself...

I'm Katie. I am 23 years old as of May 22nd. I started filming my very own makeup tutorials on youtube about a year ago, and it has been probably the best year of my life. I've "met" so many encouraging people (including: Kandee Johnson... EEEEEEEPPPPPPP with excitement!) and without youtube, this would not have been possible. I even had my very first makeup class this year which went extremely well. And hopefully I will be doing some more. I'm trying to get my freelance work started as well. I HAVE SO MANY DREAMS! I want to do EVERYTHING! haha.. but one day at a time as they say....

Anywho.. won't keep you for too long.. here's a link to my old blog just incase:
and here is a video of me, so you can get to know me a bit better:

Love, Peace and Chicken Grease...
Katie Cuppycake