Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Very Happy Birthday!

Today happens to be my cousins birthday! He turns 26 today! Hooray!

I remember being young and growing up with him. He always made me laugh so hard, he's the funniest person I know!

I think I feel so close to him also, because our parents are brother and sister, and they both passed away from the same blood disease. He knows what it's like to lose a parent and so do I. I know I can always talk to him about anything and always have him there to make me feel better if I'm upset. He really is one of my best friends and I'm so happy that he lives with me! Now I can laugh all day long! ha ha! Plus, He is my boyfriends best friend! that's how I got to meet Jessy! hee hee!

Happy birthday Matt! I hope you have the best day ever, your dad would be so proud of you!

Blood is thicker than water, Katie


  1. I just gave you an award on my blog! :D


    1. OH MY GOSH! Thank you So much! I really am so excited! I commented on your post already, but I thought I would comment on here too =n_n=
